Carolina Canine Agility Trial December 21-22, 2019 Raleigh, NC
We participated in our 6th AKC agility trial in Raleigh this past weekend. We got our Open Agility and Open JWW titles. We even got a Q in Novice FAST. The trial was held at the JB Hunt Horse Arena in Raleigh NC. It was an indoor facility with a dirt floor. I think Ann likes the dirt floor. We got qualifying scores in Open STD (2), Open JWW (1) and Novice FAST (1). We got our titles in Open Agility and Open Jumpers. We’re super excited and still working very hard to make it to the top! Hope you enjoy the videos!
First Run of the day. December 21, 2019 7:45AM. I’m proud of how well Ann ran even though we didn’t Q. This was a super difficult Premier JWW course.
Premier Standard run Saturday December 21, 2019 This one was really hard. We didn’t Q, but I’m still proud of Ann’s performance. She’s getting there.
Open Standard run December 21, 2019. Our first Q of the weekend.
Novice FAST. December 21, 2019. This one is like Gamblers in USDAA. You have to get a bunch of points and then send your dog into the obstacles beyond the pink line and get it done within a certain amount of time. We got our second Q of the weekend here.
Last run of the day. I was exhausted and had a giant headache. Didn’t Q because Ann went into the wrong end of the tunnel.
First run of the day AGAIN. 7:45AM. Sunday, December 21, 2019. This was a Premier JWW course. So hard and we didn’t Q but I’m still proud of Ann’s run.
Again, a super hard course that we didn’t Q, but I’m still proud of Ann’s run.
Almost Q. Back jumped a jump. Oh well.
This was our 3rd Q of the weekend and our title run for Open Agility!
Our 4th and final Q of the weekend and our title run for Open JWW. Onward to EXCELLENT Standard and EXCELLENT JWW! GAME ON.