Carolina Piedmont Agility, Raleigh, NC January 11-12, 2020
3 Qs and the Novice FAST title this weekend. Premier JWW, Novice FAST and Excellent JWW.
Ann is such a funny girl. On Saturday, January 11, 2020, we got a Premier JWW Q (1st Place) and we got a Q in Novice FAST, which was also our title run. We got NQ in Excellent JWW, Excellent STD, and Premier STD. Then, on Sunday, January 12, 2020, she ran the Premier JWW clean, but was 2.80 seconds over. She ran pretty fast but the course was pretty long. Then, we got a Q in Excellent JWW (our 2nd). Then in the afternoon, she completely had enough and didn’t want to play agility AT ALL. NQ on Premier STD, Excellent STD and Time 2 Beat! Time 2 Beat is one of her favorites!!! I guess it’s like people. Sometimes you feel like playing and sometimes you don’t!
We got a Q in Premier JWW! First place too!
Excellent JWW run on Saturday, January 11, 2020. We got an NQ because she missed the tunnel in the back corner.
Excellent STD Saturday January 11, 2020. We got NQ on this course.
Another NQ in Excellent STD. Saturday January 11, 2020 in Raleigh, NC. This is a second video taken for me.
This was our Premier STD run on Saturday, January 11, 2020. Didn’t Q. I think this was where she was getting tired of being in Raleigh.
Not pretty, but we got our Novice FAST title on this run! Saturday, January 11, 2020 Raleigh, NC.
We did not Q on this Premier JWW run, but I was so proud of it. We ran clean, but we were 2.8 seconds over time.
This is our second Excellent JWW Q!
Start of the end of Ann’s focus for this day. She was done playing agility.
Ann really was losing it here. Excellent STD run.
Ann was out to lunch from the very beginning of this run. She usually loves Time 2 Beat. She never stops in the weaves and never stops at the top of the A frame. Weird run altogether.