Happy Dog Agility

I have been very slack in updating my blog. I know, it’s a blog and I should write on it often. Well, I didn’t. But I am now. About a year and a half ago, I became the proud owner of a re-homed, 8-lb., adorable little Chihuahua named Happy. At first, I was not planning to do agility with Happy, since Chihuahuas are not known for their agile abilities. However, after taking him with me to train Ann, he showed interest in wanting to play agility too, so we tried it. And he was a very fast learner. Helps that he loves food. In any case, we started competing with Happy at the end of April, 2022 and by the end of November, 2022, he was competing at the Master Standard and Master Jumpers level. He’s not as confident as Ann and sometimes that gets him. This video is from a trial we just did in January 2023 in Raleigh, NC. He had the pre-run jitters before the first jump, but once he started, he kept going. He would have had a qualifying run had he not tripped the timer with his tiny nose at the beginning jump. What a funny dude. I love him so much.